Thursday, December 18, 2008

New Years

New Years is really weird for me. I like myself right now but I think I let people make me mad to much...I don't show it but I'm always getting aggrivated with my friends, random people, and my family. I think I need to just sort of ignore people more or get new friends or something.
Another problem I have is saying yes to much...I mean I used to be worse than what I am now, but I still get mad because people think they can have me do them a favor and then be rude to me and that makes me so mad!!!! If your going to offer me something then go threw with it. I think I'm just going to try to say no more. I am sick of being used and not being appreciated. Maybe people should make a New Years promise and quit being such mooches. If you offer somebody something don't get mad when they call you out on it and really want it. If you didn't want to give that person something you should've just kept your mouth closed.


  1. I say yes alot too, I understand what you are talking about! And oh yea, Melia is annoying!

  2. first off your mean to other people for no reason (ME), people who are nice to you and appreciate the rides you give them, to solve your problem....for new year's you should make a resolution to say no more! practice it "No, No, No"
